Preliminary Task – Research and Planning

School Magazine – Genre: Sports

The genre that I have opted for my preliminary task regarding school magazines is sports. The genre is targeted towards teenagers who are liable to participate in sports activities being held in school, crave recognition or wish to read up about their peers mentioned in the magazine. As physical activity is an integral part of a student’s life and is essential for community representation, fitness, teamwork, academics, leadership skills and time management, a sports magazine could also cater to the casual student reader as the benefits of sports might interest them, thus acquiring a larger audience. Or, perhaps gain the attention of a student in the field of science as well who is studying some sort of phenomena or even the physics behind certain sports. Sports magazines are conventionally vibrant and energetic looking making use of bright colors and sports kits wearing athletes posing with sports equipment or playing on the field which immediately establishes its genre and captures the reader’s attention. 


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