Institutions and Audiences - 7 points
the importance of technological
convergence for institutions and audiences
1. Use of 3D and CGI tech to create a
synergy around film therefore making it a must see.
2. Use of IMAX 2D cameras, created a
bigger profit margin as many paid more to see imax screenings.
3. Can cover above the line costs due to
being horizontally and vertically integrated such as YouTube takeovers,
trailers etc.
4. Cross media convergence such as Vivo
phones, Audi adverts.
5. Big conglomerates own a slice of the
cinema shares therefore get priority in showing their films there.
6. Audiences can use digital technology to
download a film or TV shows onto their mobile phone, laptop, I-pad or PC.
Institutions such as Netflix or LoveFilm, allow people to stream films to their
TV screens where they can watch from the comfort of their own homes for only a
small price.
7. Some importance’s of technological
convergence for institutions such as the Warner Brother is that they will have
a lot of money, so they can use the new technologies to their advantage
therefore, they will have more advertisements e.g. billboards, background scene
of a film website etc. They can also promote their film by games based on their
own movie.
8. So Technological Convergence is
important to the production of films as it gives films the opportunity to use
new technology and really improve or in some cases ruin a film.
9. A bigger and better product and
create more sales in other areas than just film.
10.So technological convergence is
important to the marketing side of films as it gives platforms like the
internet and television for the film to be advertised and shown on.
11.Technological Convergence is also
used when distributing films, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows case
Warner Bros. distributed the film to cinemas and TV's. Warner Bros. most likely
distribute the film to the cinema through digital distribution as its cheaper,
this is a technological convergence because using digital distribution is
another platform for the Producers of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and
Warner Bros. to gain as they have either bought into a digital distribution
company or have paid one to distribute their film.
12.And finally, technological
convergence is also used when exhibiting a product, for instance when Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows had finished with the costumes they used they
could send them to museums to have them put on show or they could put them
online for people to view and study, this is all part of technological
convergence as it promotes the product through other businesses.
13.Overall technological convergence is
useful as it lets films such as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows promote,
gain money and digitally distribute their film. It also gives new platforms for
Distributers like Warner Bros. to work on and use.
· the issues raised in targeting of national and local audiences
1. Independent can’t afford above the
line marketing due to low budgets therefore synergy isn’t created and the film
misses out on potential audiences.
2. Restricted to certain genres due to
low budget and lack of special effects.
3. Conglomerates have no problems with
target audiences.
4. Because they are vertically and horizontally
integrated and can therefore afford above and below the line marketing that
create synergy.
5. Allows them to engage with
technological convergence and show their film in different formats such as 3D.
· the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption
illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behavior
1. ‘There is a blurring of lines between
audience and industry’- Gauntlet 2007.
2. We can create our own films using
digital technology.
3. Can edit films on our own using
softwares such as Adobe After Effects.
4. Brainwashed by Conglomerates, through
adverts and marketing we feel compelled to go see a movie.
5. Recycling of popular genre’s, playing
safe, trend and success of superhero movies.
6. Cost of films has risen and so has
the cost of seeing one.
7. Dragged into marketing campaigns
through cross media convergence creating a must see feel. More interaction with
stars, interest in their lives and works.
8. Ideology of the ruling class
integrated into our minds as big conglomerates mainly shown in cinemas.
9. Audiences also producers: influence
the kind of media and representation taking place. Limited choice of what we see, people
don’t like change, few films with original ideas, slow integration of change.
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