Institutions and Audiences - Question

Q. To what extent does audience behavior determine changes in the media industry?
In recent times media consumption is no longer a passive act as audience behavior has begun to determine changes taking place in the media industry. In the case study done, focusing on film, for Marvel's Captain America: Civil War, released worldwide on May 6, 2016, directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, produced by one of the big six, Walt Disney Pictures and the highest grossing movie of 2016, examples of such audience behavior can be seen through the processes of production, marketing and distribution.
Most of the high grossing movies of released in 2016 were based on intellectual property, focusing less on original storylines and more on comic book adaptations and sequels such as Deadpool, Suicide Squad, Batman V Supermman, Rogue One and Finding Dory. It is also to be noted that in 2006, 19 out 20 movies were based on original storylines, with only one movie being intellectual property. Fast forward ten years and a complete reversal of narrative is to be seen. The movie chosen for my case study, Captain America: Civil War, too, was an adaptation of Marvel Comics' 2006 Civil War event. Civil War is the thirteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a follow up of the same genre codes and conventions of caped/masked protagonists versus antagonists. This suggests that the audiences have become dormant as explained by the Hypodermic Needle Model, as an audience we are manupilated by creators of media texts passivly consuming and paying for the same narrative repeatedly and allowing institutions to produce and distribute safe movies, and not risking their money with original ideas that might not be recieved well by audiences.
The trend of superhero movies birthed from the release of Bryan Singer's (2000) X Men movie and the thrust provided by Jon Favearu's (2008) Iron Man that paved the way for other superhero movies, has now transformed into a genre of its own. You went to the movies in the 50s and 60s you went to a western. So at this point, you’re going to a superhero movie.With the massive surge of comic book lovers coming out of the proverbial closet, audiences have proven they’re ready for a geek-centric slate of movies. Ignoring the soft war between media giants such as Time Warner releasing DC's Batman V Superman and Disney shifting from Captain America: Serpent Society to Civil War and including a huge ensemble cast, is also because of a high demand by the followers and fans of the existing movies and avid readers of comic books to see characters they know and identify with on screen again and again which leads to the media industry putting in millions of dollars for such movies.
Audiences have watched Captain America appear in Marvel movies several times over the last few years: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) and now Civil War (2016). Researchers Blumer and Katz explained that audiences watch movies for diversion, provision of personal relationships, idenitity and surveillence. Seeing as Captain America is a character that has been around and loved by Western masses since the 40s and fits into the role of the hero which is a type of archetype that every story is based upon. The world is perceived as dangerous and scary by audiences and they wish to escape into a make believe world where the hero is available to save the day but also to escape from reality different than their own. They wish they had the power to overcome those fears and be extraordinary like superheroes with the possibility of "what if" we could do that so I think that is a more expanded explanation of why they are given the green light and influence media institutions to produce movies that fit into that description.
Audiences today, due to exposure to social media are adamant and forerunners of inclusion of representation of gender, minorities and LGBTQ community in mass media so that every person can identify with the character they see on screen. Keeping this in mind, Captain America: Civil War had an ensemble of characters that included three black superheroes, Black Panther, The Falcon and War Machine. The characters were not tokens but a significant part of the movie.
The audiences also prefer an inclusion of real life social issues in movies for the sake of versimilitude. Fitting in with the Appartus Film Theory, Civil War is an ideological conflict, touching upon U.S's history of interefaring with other countries' problems and death and destruction that occurs due to collateral damage in conventional superhero mivies. Viewing the War on Terrorism through the lens of a summer action blockbuster has a depoliticizing effect that allows audiences to engage with the conflict’s attendant issues without concern for their real-world political loyalties. Through this it can be seen that audiences employ the role of presumers, driving the way the narrative is going to be told and influencing institutions to become more diverse.
Technology has evolved emmensly in the last 10 years, raising audiences expectations of what to expect from a multi billion dollar franchise in terms of versimilitude when depicting a world so different from theirs. Civil War had $200 million poured in to its production for the sake of this. Companies such as Lola VFX worked on the special effects, first to use IMAX's digital 2D cameras to make the movie as real as possible for the audience. Because of the demographics audiences are compelled to go see the movie.
Until a few years ago the marketing of a movie stopped short at a poster and a trailer. With the advent of technology and social media, the audience has become fragmented and traditional methods are no longer enough to keep audiences interested. Institutions, in order to maintain their audiences provide 360 branding. Understanding audiences' need to know more about the movie a poster and a teaser trailer of Civil War was released six months before the movie's premiere to create a sense of excitement and enigma. Another trailer was released three months before the release of the movie and a plethora of tv spots because they realize they need to reinfore excitement within the audience close to the release date so that they are reminded to go see the movie.
However, above the line marketing to keep established target audiences who are fans of these movies is not enough. Audience's interest can make or break a movie which is why institutions study audiences' behavior patterns and aim to address their needs of specific time. Cross media convergence allows institutions to tap into those needs.
Audiences want to know more about the characters they would be viewing and are curious about the plot. Playing on this need websites such as the website created for Civil War provided with the trailer, poster, screenscraps from the movie and navigation to the official Marvel website with access to comic origins of characters hence compelling them to discover the larger Marvel universe. This leads to greater audience involvement with their product and more popularity for the institution.
Audiences wish to be involved with the movie and engaging with its characters as they often relate to them and the actors. Marketing campaign of Civil War built upon this interactivity, making fans as feel as much a part of the battle as possible through Twitter directly and engaged fans to choose which side they were on with the hashtag #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan, it went one step further and had the Civil War cast respond to fans with personalized video messages depending on their choice. This created a sense of community and belonging, tapping audiences' social needs.
Star System is another menthod to hypodermically convince audiences to watch the movie. Casting well known actors such as Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans for Civil War, having them attend press junkets, conferences, interviews, brings in their additional fanbases as audiences wish to be a part of their favorite actors' careers and watch their movies.
With so many movies of the same genres coming out the same time, audiences will watch the one that stands out or appeals to them the most. Award ceremonies help raise the status of a movie and gains audience's interest. Civil War was nominated for Saturn Awards, People's Choice, Teen Choice and Critic's Choice Awards which raised its popularity among target audience.
Children often pressure their parents to go see a movie which in turn has entire families turn up for a viewing. In order to appeal to their psyche, food was a huge factor in the marketing of Civil War. Marvel synergized with brands like Pop Secret, Skittles, Kellogg's, Pringles, and Keebler all offering the promo tie-ins. Pizza Hut allowed fans to choose their side with collectible pizza boxes featuring either Team Captain America or Team Iron Man. This way parents and children are attracted by institutions to watch their movies. Movies that don't employ such marketing techniques to appeal to their audiences e.g. Batman V Superman (released around the same time as Civil War but flopped critically) don't gain much favor with their audiences as audiences' word of mouth can make or break a movie.

Movies used be released throughout the world at different times as reels had to be transported via air which left some audiences waiting impatiently for the movie to come out in their country and many would resort to piracy to deal with this problem. These activities would result in a loss for institutions so in order to overcome this conondrum, blanket release was introduced. Captain America was released worldwide on May 6th, 2016 in Dolby Theatre, LA. This was also done strategically close to approaching summer holidays as children and young adults have their days off and can go watch the movie. This would increase audience show up at cinemas.
Audiences generally wish to watch their favorite movies several times and through more accessible means and at home. Civil War was released on digital download by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on September 2, 2016 allowing fans to view it on their mobile devices, and on Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D and DVD on September 13, 2016.
Audiences have gone to cinemas throughout history as nothing compares to a cinematic experience. To enhance this experience to a greater extent, there came the advent of 3D movies. Civil War was also released in 3D as audiences enjoy 3D movies and they increase audience presence at the cinemas.
Although superhero movies are much appreciated by parents for their children to see but the violence and destruction contained in some of them such as Logan (2017) and Deadpool (2016) can become too graphic for some. Censorship of Civil War and a rating of PG 13 was given due to elements of violence, action and mayhem. Influential psychologists, pressure groups, religious leaders and politicians have suggested that there is a direct causal link between violence in films, television programmes and computer games and violent real-life crime. It is argued that such media content exerts an overwhelmingly negative effect on impressionable young audiences. These beliefs have led to increased state control over and censorship of the media in Hollywood.
Audience behavior to a lot of extent determines changes in media industry as audiences actively consume and produce media and have a voice due to social media presence. Trends in media institutions are slowly changing but the effect of hypdermic needle still prevails and the fact remains that we ultimately see what the bourgeoisie behind big media giants deem appropriate.


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