Genre Note - Travel Magazine

The genre I have chosen for my final task is that of a Travel Magazine. The genre is targeted towards aspiring explorers, travel enthusiasts, casual readers and tourists visiting a new country and wishing to know what hotspots they need to visit. Taking time off and seeing the world to recharge one’s batteries is utmost importance to human nature, which in turn acquires the magazine a huge target audience. Even those who aren’t planning on travelling anytime soon will pick up a travel magazine in order to peak a look at the most beautiful and must-see places around the world. It is not however, limited globally, but also covers different countries and cities.
For my final task, I have chosen Travel Magazines as Pakistan has a vast and dynamic culture ranging from the highest of mountains to the lowly sea beds along with historical monuments, many of which are the pinnacle of architecture and I wish to explore such areas. 

Codes and Conventions 

The Masthead – Usually restricted to one word and ‘travel’ or something along these lines. The masthead is in the largest font and white to stand out against the main image.
The Main Image – Constitutes the entire page and is conventionally an image an island, ocean or the seaside.
Color Scheme – Travel Magazines mainly have a color scheme centered around shades of blue and white with hints of yellow, pink, red and black in some areas.
The Cover lines -  In all caps, address the places to explore, attracting readers with words like ‘best’, ‘amazing’, ‘perfect’ and ‘dream escapes’.

Barcodes, puffs and plugs are also a norm for a travel magazine.


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