Evaluation Question 2

Q2. How does your product engage with audiences and how will it be distributed as real media text?

During the research and planning process of my literary magazine coined ‘Bookworm’, social media networks such as Whatsapp were used and questionnaires conducted to gain access to the preferences of the target audience. ‘Bookworm’ primarily appeals to young adults and aims to not only expose them to both critically acclaimed and new literature but also to hone their skills as writers themselves and present them with a platform to express themselves.

Keeping into view the audience, decisions were made by analyzing existing magazines of the same genre such as Bookforum, Juxtaprose, World Literature Today and The Bombay Review. The end result of the analysis displayed a recurring pattern of a large, centralized masthead, minimal cover lines and a clutter free layout. But in order to be sure that my magazine cover aligned with the psychological needs of my target audience of young adults, I conducted a questionnaire, where they chose the masthead, ‘Bookworm’, a term which I suspect many identified with and as psychographs would categorize my audience as seekers of individualism and energy, it seemed that the title appealed to them.

The results of the questionnaire also showcased a majority vote for inclusion for a guide to improving their writing skills. According to that, a header above the masthead with a direct mode of address, using white typography against a brown strip to make it stand out, was employed in order to immediately engage the audience as their line of sight will fall first on the masthead and the header.
Ordinarily, the reader scans the page from left to right, in a Z pattern, which is why the layout has been constructed in a way, with the main cover line placed on the left and the others in a smaller font on the right-hand side. This allowed the audience to construct a narrative themselves and read about what’s important first.

The color scheme which consists of shades orange, brown and white, engages with the audience as the colors connote enthusiasm, determination and optimisms, terms usually associated with youth. The colors, therefore, speak to the audience.

Additionally, the doubly spread content page maintains contact with the audience by dedicating the entirety of the second page to an About Us section where contact information and a ‘subscribe’ icon is available which immediately notifies them that it is present for their benefit as it will allow them to submit their works and have a chance to be published.
Moreover, the main spread as well employs a direct mode of address once more to engage the audience with the stand first: ‘all worth gluing yourself to your seats’, which adds a sense of excitement and curiosity. The main text features reviews of books targeted towards young adults which grabs their attention.

Social media is an excellent tool when it comes to market the product, with the demographics mainly catering to youth. A website for the magazine will be created through which the audience can access any information regarding the magazine from submission requirements to further contact information. Due to easy accessibility and popularity of Facebook, excerpts and promotional videos will be posted to gain a larger following and audience on a sponsored page.

Twitter will also be used for the same purpose to kickstart trends and likes and circulate buzz around the magazine. This will commence a chain reaction which will catch the attention of websites such as ‘everywritersresource.com’, where they list information regarding literary magazines and journals. Emerging or critically acclaimed authors, whose essays and short stories have been published will feature information on their respective blogs or websites, giving rise to the word of mouth circulation and add their readership to the following of the magazine as they would like to read them in it.
Furthermore, ‘Bookworm’ would be featured on newsstands and bookstores and coffeehouses via tear off, fill and mail subscriptions which will also be available online.


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